Conditional Fields in Elementor Form

About This Plugin


• It works by using “If condition” logic. For example, if condition A is true, then field XYZ will be visible; otherwise, it stays hidden.

• Elementor Pro doesn’t support conditional logic in its form widget fields by default, so we created the Conditional Field addon. This addon allows you to set conditions on Elementor Pro form fields, enabling you to hide or show a form field based on inputs from other fields.

NOTE: This addon only works with the Elementor Pro version because the form widget isn’t available in the free version of Elementor.


Show / Hide Fields Conditionally
Easily add conditional logic to show or hide any field within an Elementor form based on values from other fields. Currently, you can add conditions to these fields: text, textarea, email, telephone, URL, radio, select, file upload, HTML, number, and checkbox.

If / Else Logic Without Code
Apply if/else logic to form fields without coding. Simply add the ID of the field through which you want to apply a condition. For example, if the “Query Type” field ID is “query_type,” you can set it to show the “Enter Order ID” field if “query_type == check-order-status” and hide it otherwise.

Conditions Triggers / Compare Operators
Compare field values using various operators such as is equal (==), not equal (!=), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), less than or equal to (<=), contains, does not contain, starts with, and ends with, as well as is empty and not empty.

Apply Multiple Conditions (AND / OR Logic)
Apply multiple conditions to form fields using AND/OR logic. This means actions are triggered if ANY or ALL conditions are met.

Conditionally Redirect After Submission
Conditionally redirect your Elementor form to a specific URL after submission based on met conditions, such as redirecting to URL-1 if condition-1 is true, otherwise to URL-2.

Apply Condition on Submit Button
Easily apply conditional logic to the Elementor form submit button to enable/disable or hide/show it based on user input values. Use this feature to block spam, such as disabling the submit button if illegal words are added in a textarea.

Send Email Conditionally
Send different emails to various user types based on their inputs in the Elementor form. Design two to three types of emails and send them to users based on conditions matching their inputs.

No Validation Errors
You will not encounter validation errors if a required field is hidden due to a condition.

Plugin Details

  • Current Version:1.0.0
  • Latest Update:13/08/2024
  • WordPress Version:6.3 or higher
  • Tested up to:6.6.1
  • PHP Version:7.4 or higher
  • Rating:
Free Download

plugin features

Show / Hide Fields Conditionally

If / Else Logic Without Code

Apply Multiple Conditions (AND / OR Logic)

Conditionally Redirect After Submission

Send Email Conditionally

Conditions Triggers / Compare Operators

No Validation Errors

Well Documented

Timely Support 24 / 7

1. Show a Form Field Conditionally

Create a callback form that shows either the email or phone field based on the user’s choice in a radio button. For example, ask ““In which way do you prefer to be contacted?”
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2. Hide a Form Field Conditionally

If you want to receive feedback anonymously in a feedback form, add a checkbox labeled “Would you like to remain anonymous?” When this box is checked, the email field will be hidden.

3. Add Multiple Conditions on a Form Field

You can set multiple conditions for a form field. The field will only appear if two or more conditions are met.
For example, the email field will only show if the feedback field is filled out and the user does not want to remain anonymous.
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4. Match Conditions (AND / OR Conditional Logic)

When setting multiple conditions, decide if a field should be shown only when all conditions are met or if any one condition is true.
For example, request a customer’s “Order ID” if they choose “Technical Support” or “Order Status” from the “Support Type” options.

5. Greater Than(>), Less Than(<), (>=), (<=) Operators

You can compare conditions in various ways (>, <, >=, <=).
For example, create a form with a field for adding a voting ID. This field will only be visible if the person’s age is 18 or older.
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6. Contains, Not Contains & More Operators

You can also set a display condition based on whether a form field contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, or equals a specific value.
For example, show a warning in an HTML field if a user enters certain spam words in a Query field, such as lottery, earn money, credit card offer, or limited time.

7. Redirect Your Form Conditionally After Submission

Choose an option from the dropdown menu and click submit. You’ll be taken to the URL specified by your selection.
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8. Send conditional email, based on conditions.

You can add your email address on which you want to receive the email based on the selection from the dropdown field.



Very usefool plugin!
Also very good support knowledge.
Response email time, less than an hour.
Happy to buy this product!


Woocommerce Single Product Page Customizer - Plugin

Great Support

This plugin is easy to use and does exactly what it says it will. I had one small issue and the support was terrific!


Woo Donations - Plugin

It works perfectly. Very useful!!!

Thanks Geek Code, the plugin works perfectly, and they were very kind to customize something for us in seconds !! Amazing!


Woocommerce Single Product Page Customizer - Plugin

This a great tool for any business that needs to control their stock output. For most businesses the plugin is perfect as it is, I required a slight customisation and the team were imminent in their response time and production of the adaptation. Would recommend to anybody and will not hesitate to do business with the team again.


WooCommerce Schedule Stock Manager - Plugin

Great Functionality and Support

This plugin does not have any analogs and works great for stores that want to automate restock function in specific internals automatically

Maximus Kuzminas

WooCommerce Schedule Stock Manager - Plugin

The support was absolutely awesome – thanks a lot for the help!
The plugin works the way I expected!


Woo Donation - Plugin

Great plugin for simple donations, works well out of the box.

It had a couple of small issues with my custom shop setup but the developer fixed them very quickly when I contacted him. It’s nice to see good support from a developer.

Happy to support this guy. Buy the license.


Woo Donations - Plugin

Had an issues where the field was not properly rendering on our site. The support team already rolled out an update solving this before I even had a chance to ask.


Woo Donations - Plugin

Fantastic plugin!

I tried the free version of the plugin and could see that the premium version was much better. So I went and upgraded to the pro version as soon as possible.


Woo Donations - Plugin

I needed the ability to inject OG tags into the header of individual pages. Other plugins have a lot of other functionality that I do not need.

This plugin is light and sleek and that is all it does. One thing, and it does it well.

I did have to install Classic editor alongside my existing GoodLayers setup. So far it has worked perfectly. I recommend it. I am using version 5.8.2

Tech support was very responsive, and solved my initial issue with the installation I mentioned. Thank you!


Insert Script In Headers And Footers - Plugin

wanted some image under add to cart button. Done.

I wanted some image under add to cart button. Done. Nice.


Woocommerce Single Product Page Customizer - Plugin

Easy and effective.

It does what it claims. I could easily added some html (text and images) before add to cart button.


Woocommerce Single Product Page Customizer - Plugin